Implementation of sustainability management

How to implement and demonstrate your sustainability programme?

Demonstrating sustainability depends on the sustainability level of your supplying farmers and the way you manage your sustainability management system. A useful methodology for setting up your policy is the Theory of Change.

A decent sustainability management system

5 Stages Maturity Matrix

Based on the 5 stages matrix (as used for the Sustainable Dairy Partnership methodology) several elements are important for your sustainability management system. We can help you with many practical and examples based on our experience. You can find many proven tools in this client area.

The table below describes the process steps of the sustainability policy for creating continuous improvement. In management literature this is known as the PMS (Performance Management System).

Sustainability management process stepClarification
DSF MembershipDSF membership application: Join the DSF and take notice of the membership commitments
Achieving minimum levelsMinimum levels are seen as the prerequisites for supplying dairy products to the market. Minimum levels to be fulfilled in this B2B methodology are applicable local legislation, basic human rights, basic animal care, no deforestation.
DairySustainabilitySupport (DSS) can help you with the identification, implementation and execution of the minimum levels. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Prioritisation by materiality analysesA decent materiality analysis is essential in your sustainability programme. Together with your stakeholders, the materiality analysis defines priorities in support of your long-term objectives.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the preparation, execution of your materiality analyses. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Your roadmap and action planBased on the identified priorities you set up your action plan, including tasks, responsibilities and competences. Defining KPIs is useful to measure progress.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the development of the roadmap and action plan. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Execution and support of your action planBy executing the roadmap, you achieve the objectives of your plan. The suppling farmers are an important part of your roadmap and support.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the execution of your roadmap and action plan. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Measurement and progress reportAfter having started the execution and the support, you can measure the progress and results of your plan. Defining KPIs is helpful for measurement.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the measuring your KPI's and report your progress. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Your governance systemThe governance of your sustainability programme is essential for achieving the objectives over the period.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the identification and development of a decent governance structure for your sustainability programme. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.
Discussion with your stakeholdersYour stakeholders can support the progress of your sustainability programme.
Dairy Sustainability Support (DSS) can help you with the identification of your stakeholders and support you with the discussions with your stakeholders. Please send us an email at or use the contact page.